Saturday, February 25, 2012

Counting down the days

Less than two weeks to go before my daughter and I fly to D.C. to visit the family and friends. I haven't
even started packing yet, and I'm not looking forward to the process either. Just checked US Airways baggage policies and it looks like we'll be taking the large suitcase with both her and my clothes and shoes, my backpack for all the things we'll need at the airport and her diaper bag. The flight also leaves at six in the morning, which will be rough, for both my daughter and me. I am guessing we'll have to be there no later than four-thirty. I have been known to go to bed at that time, so I am envisioning a few energy drinks of some sort. I'd prefer Red Bull.
We'll be arriving in D.C. at nine-thirty, so we'll be just in time for morning rush hour(s). My father is coming to pick us up, thankfully. So I won't be trying to carry all the luggage on the Metro to meet him at the Vienna Metro Station (which would be easier for him, not for me - but, being a good daughter, I did offer to do it anyway, but he said it wouldn't be a problem navigating through the worst traffic in the country to come and get us. Good man, my father!)
I have been compiling a list of things that I would like to do while my daughter and I are on the visit. My mother has taken nearly a full week off work so she can watch the baby and give me time to myself. Six whole days to myself!? I can even imagine that much free time.
VNV Nation is playing at the Rams Head in Baltimore on March twelfth. I have seen them numerous times, and they always do a fun show. I have a few friends going there as well and it would be nice to see them. ...assuming I have had my hair fixed by then, because it looks terrible.
I was also thinking about doing a hiking trip or two to Great Falls, MD or Rocks State Park because everyone I have spoken to in the north has told me how beautiful the weather is. I'll also be away from the gym for nearly the whole month of March, so I had better find another way to exercise or I'll be in trouble.
I am going to try and get a bit of reading done as well. My vocabulary, as well as grammar, is terrible. I have spoken to other writing friends and we have theorized that it because I do not read enough anymore. I have to say that I agree. In the past year, I have not had much reading opportunities beyond assorted Dr. Seuss
books, Grimm's Fairy Tales and Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes (with one exception being the Hobbit, which as a nerdy mom, I was in a hurry to read that one in particular to my child)
I did just acquire this for her too.

This book started it all for me and I felt myself compelled to make sure that my daughter has one of her own. You see, I never had a copy of my own and this book was the source of a lot of library fines for me throughout my youth. There is a Norse Mythology companion book which is equally as beautifully illustrated and well-written. I shall acquire that too, in good time.

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